Protein Manufacturing Services

AdvantiGen's team and facility can support your organization's protein and antibody manufacturing needs. Our staff is highly experienced and skilled in the areas of eukaryotic and prokaryotic protein expression, protein purification, quantification, characterization, and quality control. Our facility is outfitted with the necessary equipment to produce high purity, high-quality proteins for you and/or your customers. We also have expertise in process development and can take your laboratory scale protein expression to the manufacturing scale you need. Our team has successfully worked with both small and large companies along with academic researchers. One of our recent projects involved us serving as the manufacturer for a protein product that is widely used in the stem-cell market place.

AdvantiGen is ready to assist you with your. . .

A.  Process Development and/or Scaling
B.  Antibody Manufacturing
C.  Protein Manufacturing in Eukaryotic Cells
D.  Protein Manufacturing in Prokaryotic Cells

Protein Manufacturing